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As all of you probably know, we have been collecting items to donate to the Sunshine Place via Homeless Boxes. The office workers and the field crew teamed up Friday afternoon to put together the boxes, filled with items that have been donated over the last few months; we had a lot of them!

Collecting items to donate to the homeless in Madison, WI

Food Drive for Madison, WI

After everything was separated we had over 20 boxes to donate! We had so many coloring books, rolls of toilet paper, bottles of water, cans of food, shampoo, and other essentials that the boxes were full to the top.

The team packed more than 20 boxes of food in Madison, WI

Do you know how many boxes can fit into a Prius? Any guesses? 20 boxes! Which is shockingly more than some of us thought we could fit into that little car.

Team members loading boxes for food drive in Madison, WI

Car is loaded with cans of food in Madison, WI

Sunshine Place will now be giving these boxes to families in the community that are in need of food and water. These boxes help the family get by for 3-4 days. We are so thankful that we could help this great cause and that we had so many wonderful people bring in donations. Keep up the generosity Sun Prairie!

JW Interiors employees taking a photo together at food drive in Madison, WI

And don’t forget there are other ways to help out! Visit for more opportunities.